Unlocking High Performance

What is the link between people and performance, and how can this help business define how it manages performance and meets its objectives?

Here are some key things to consider to help you unlock high perfomance:

Best Fit Practices

Do your practices best fit your business and do they link to your strategy? Make sure that you create a combination of strategy and HR that works together and not against. For example, if you have a strategy based on cost reduction this would require a focus on quantity rather than quality and therefore perhaps a low investment in things like training.

Do you have HR practices in place that your employees believe are fair and trustworthy? Do the intended practices differ from actual or perceived practice - it’s important that your managers are trained and apply these practices fairly and consistently.

Managers bringing policy to life

Employee discretion is crucially affected by the way in which managers exercise their own discretion. Employee’s satisfaction with their manager equates to their overall satisfaction with their employer and its HR practices.

Mission and Values

A clear mission underpinned by values and a culture expressing what the organisation stands for and is trying to achieve will support high performance - making sure that employees know what they’re trying to achieve and how.

These ideas should be collectively agreed, embedded in your organisation which will in turn mean that they are enduring.

Get in touch with Stanley & Davis to discuss how we can help you introduce people practices to inspire high performance in your business.


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