An All-Inclusive Workplace Part 2

Following on from last week’s post…

It's great to raise awareness and work towards creating an inclusive culture – what should you be thinking about?

Take a look at the following statistics from Stonewall ( as an introduction.

  • Is there equality and diversity training provided for all your colleagues/different training for line managers?

  • Are policies required to outline support and set out what your organisation pledges to do to improve on some of these statistics.

  • Is an Employee Assistance Programme needed?

  • Are your grievance and disciplinary processes sufficiently robust so that LGBTQ+ colleagues know how to react if they are subjected to discrimination, harassment or even assault in the workplace?

  • Are policies applied consistently and are your managers gauging severity of allegations appropriately?

  • Is your organisation supporting employees on long term sickness as a result of their mental health?

  • Has your Company indicated how bullying complaints will be addressed and do they have a proven track-record of dealing with issues that are reported?

  • Are recruitment managers provided with sufficient training to enable them to eliminate/reduce discrimination during assessments?

  • Does your organisation have an appropriate dress-code with sufficient flexibility to allow for individuals to express themselves?

There is a wide range of factors for organisations to consider when creating an inclusive culture whilst enabling an inclusive culture.

If you're interested in accessing training or are looking for support in your organisation to embed inclusive processes and policies, do contact us. 

 Get in touch with Stanley & Davis to discuss how we can help ensure your training and policies are up to date and actioned.


Heat of the moment resignations


An All-Inclusive Workplace